Sunday, November 7, 2010

好久没有写BLOG了 --- 107TH 封

11月7日 2010

阿!有多久没有写BLOG了呀? *数着数着*太多天了,懒得去数它啦!没关系吗,反正我又回来了! 哈哈!

为什么,现在再用中文写BLOG呢? 说实在的,我也不清楚。就是。。。想尝试一下吧。也可以顺便发挥一下我影厂已久的中文墨水, 哈哈。 开个玩笑吧了,不要太认真。

其实我有好多好多心声想说的,可是,有些事情不太好说。。。而且就算说了又如何呢?再加上,用中文来打字,还真是不简单啊! 费了我九牛二虎之力!

人吗,就是应该笑着度过每一天,是发自内心的喜悦哦, 不是皮笑肉不笑的那种。 可是说得容易做的难啊。 好啦好啦,我又有什么资格来给人家意见呢。

今天就写到这里吧,仔细想想也应该没有人回来看着个BLOG了,怎么说也 “荒废”了几个月了。

(对自己说的话 :既然已经决定了在试多一个礼拜,那就遵守自己对自己的决定,要是依然无法改变那件事,也就罢了吧。。。)

要微笑的迎接每一天! :D

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

scared... --- 106th post

16th June 10

It hurts because i care, it's sad because i care, it's all because i care...

Would it change anything if i spoke? would it solve anything if i tell?

i'am afraid and i'am scared..

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Can't think of a title for today --- 105th post

26th May 10

It's a Wednesday, which also means a choinging-to-khatib-mrt-station-day-and-then-choinging-to-room-T15 day. The tutor is strict in attendance and the class happen to start at 8am, so everyone, choing ah choing.

But anyway, i choinged my shower, so i acutally have ample time to slowly walk to the MRT station, wahaha

Met Ronald (who is as usual suan-ing me), Kai Wen, Jeannie and Charyl.



(While going home today, guess who i met, yes, it's none other than Qi Han! Though i didn't notice him at first because i was thinkingo of things and he had to expend efforts, by swinging his hand and tapping me before i finally noticed.)

(oh and thanks for walking home with me)

So, While we reach the lift at my block,

Qi Han: You are going to take the lift?
Me : Ah huh. I lived in the highest floor what
Qi Han : But it's just 4th floor -.-
Me : But's it's still the highest floor!
Qi Han : Well, It's still just the 4th floor! Take the Stairs!
Me : But's it the highest floor, if i dun take the lift, who will?
Me : But's it's the highest lahh -.-

and so on.. till the lift arrives.


Theory of the Day:

Take good care of your laptop or risk having ur laptop staying at the service centre which eventually don't know go through how much delay before it get fixed.


After school,

Where to have lunch? where to eat? is the question the three of us have again. hahaha
Eventually went to subway, i think i like subway more and more now.
Nice, i like breads, grains, flour and all those, muhahaha.

Ok, till next post

PS: i'll save the ps for the next time.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

lu chi day --- 104th post

19th May 10

My laptop broke down, well not really broke down, it's just the screen got distorted, well not really distorted, it just that there's a lines over the display, well not really lines over the display, it just that there's a line near the top of the display and the graphic below it become pixel-i-fied.

So it should be, the displayed is damaged. (that's what i suppose or otherwise, the graphic card is burnt out, that's just a guess too) So i'am acutally using my desktop now, well, not mine..
*uhm* nvm

Anyway, i brought my laptop to school today, hoping to fix it. But alas, we "over-stopped" the bus-stop and we missed the bus-stop (like naturally right since we "over-stopped" the bus-stop, if you get what i ment -.-)

So Sorry to the two of you for wasting your time making a wasted trip when you hao xin accompany me to (suppose to be) Bukit Timah. =.=

Hontoni Gomenasai



Some things are better left unknown for it might be happier not to know...
(at least for me, it applies...)


CONVERSATION: (credits to Jeannie for reminding me)

Kaiwen: Aiya, 不会迟到的。
Jeannie: *SLEPPY MODE*

(after alighting at dover)

Kaiwen: ah yo, since you late liao, want go toilet?
Me: =.= you want to hai me ah
Kaiwen: hmm, want go jolly bean buy something eat? ah ya u late anyway
Me: =.= cannot lah
Kaiwen: ah yo, since late liao just don't go to the tutorial bah.
MeL =.='''


I lost something really really important today...

and i was shock and sad at something too...

What a day.

OK, i shall make the next post positive, well, i think.

PS: Sometimes i am so exhausted and i wish there are people i could rely on too..

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

i don't know.. --- 103rd post

12th May 10

Seems to be really unlucky this week.

Almost get clammed by MRT door
Went into public washroom and realize there’s no toilet paper, luckily I got my own tissue
Dropped my laptop bag
Rained when I don’t have umbrella
Got short-changed
Offended people
Got scolded
Got upset
Got angry
Got disappointed
Got sad

And so, what’s coming up next…?

I don’t know what’s happening, seem to be even harder to fall asleep at night. Not to mention having nightmares.. shucks… I should watch what I say too, sometimes I knew saying something will make people unhappy but I just can’t stand it and say it..

The house is chaotic too… Heh, what can I do..

Problems keep surfacing and surfacing, ah shit… what can I do…

Ok there’s no sections in this post…

PS: Going home is … …

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Lack of Sleep --- 102nd post

4th May 2010

Though it's stated at 4th May, it's going to be 5th soon. Well maybe by the time the post end, it'll be 5th.

As the title says "Lack of sleep", so why am i typing here when i could have save these few minutes ( i don't know maybe it adds up to 10?) and channeled it into my oh-so-much-needed-which-i-don't-know-if-i-can-get sleep? (that's a long name for a, sleep. Yes it's just simply sleep acutally, just to make it look uh more sophisticated? ah whatever.)

I don't really know the reason too, just eh, don't feel like sleeping though acutally i'am really sleepy. ( i know it's contridicting =.=, but then, =.=)



I acutally made a mental note to post something quite funny as always (or at least i hoped that it is. -.-. Well, IT IS right? ) in this section for today, but it sort of sleep my mind at the moment, maybe i'am too drained now. Wonders if i'll remeber it tomorrow.


Theory of the Day:

Fu yan is bad but ignore is even worse,
(and of course there are exceptions, as written [not really literally or even in tangible state] in the MY-OWN-THEORY book which is going to be published in 20XX, i supposed. =.=)


Ate Fish Mahatten for the first time today. Are you chanting inside you

"country bumpkin! OMG are you kidding? *Laughing* Joke of the day. Noob. and etc. etc."
Well at least i finally tasted it rightsss =.='

Ok. Till the next post then, i think i should go sleep now, but did i just felt more awake after finishing the post?

PS: Wednesday's a tough day though it only consist on a lecture and a tutorial. BUT it is already enough to sap all the energy out for the day (ok that's exegarating, i know)

