is that so?

Yesterday after reaching home, was too lazy to post therefore, i'am posting it today :p
Anyway, yesterday, woke up at 8am, since we had a FOM project and we are meeting at uhh.. 10am *urk*
Then LK called me and said he would meet me at Khatib :O. Great! i don't have to travel to dover alone ^^. OLE
and so we reach dover at about 10.15... Met Xiao Guang, Pei Yi and Weican. OMG,we are like late for like 15minutes, "sigh"... Sorry. >.< and onwards to the main library~
Crapped around for like 20 minutes before we started on the project proper *lol* well... not proper ~.~
Anyway, the FOM project isn't easy, well it's not easy =.=. kind of stuck here and there, having trouble to find adequate,relevant and to-the-point information. So, we didn't really do much yesterday :(
We stopped at around 12.45, then Pei Yi went for CSCC, Xiao Guang leaving, while the rest of us went to MacDonalds for lunch. (maybe)
Me: ZzZ Mac? Later my friends sure eat fast food again...
LK: maybe won't lah
Me: ok lor =.=
In the end, my friends did asked me to go to KFC...
After eating, LK went for CCA, and Weican, i supposed he went home...
and i left for AMK...
Met Hazel, Shu Wen, Wei Qi, Hui Cheng and Sheryl at the movie theatre. Where we bought the tickets for
--- at this point of time Wei Qi keep trying to show us how tall he is -.-' okok we get it you are tall
Proceed to watch the show...
the show is pretty senseless, it's a comedy anyway. it has some good laughs but lots of vulgarities though lol.
After the show, Hui Cheng left. and the rest of us went to subway, where Hazel and Wei Qi grab their dinner (not Wei Qi, since Subway for him is only the appetiser) lol
and then they went crazy at subway... Shu Wen took out her handphone and displayed her awesome skills of "silent photography" where she snapped photos of Sheryl acting crazy. and then all of us followed suit lol.
(digging for hazel's 10-cent coin which dropped on the ground)
(me and sheryl)
After leaving Subway, we decided to find some place to chat, and then KFC just magically pop into their mind ~.~
so we walked for 15mins+- and we arrived at KFC...
(fast food again...................................................................................................)
We find our seats, and ordered food. Wei Qi ordered again! lol (eat so much)
... not long after, they went crazy again LOLS.
Sheryl and Hazel got nothing to do since they are not eating, hence they begun to play with the leaflets they got earlier.
Steps to play with unwanted leaflets:
Required materials/things : People, Leaflets, Voice (for battle cry purposes) , Shield (optional) --- you can use a bag, which will be demonstrated in the video later
1. Display all your leaflets on the table
2. Fold your leaflets into aeroplane shape, Any model is fine. (try not to make the ends too sharp to prevent hurting the players)
3. Get into your ready position (decide it among yourself)
4. Ready your weapons (paper aeroplanes)
5. Decide on the genre of the game (two of which is demonstrated in the video)
--- Turn basis
--- Free-fire
6. Open your mouths and FIRE~!~!~!~~!~!~!!!!!
(sorry for cutting into the video -.-' because i haven't finish my meal!)
Highlights of the paper aeroplane competition~
After the competition, everyone started snapping photos again LOL.
Suddenly, one of the worker in KFC came over and tell us, that if we are done eating, we should leave because it's Friday and many people will be coming. But then, there are several empty seats around and nobody is even using them!
But whatever, we were leaving that store anyway. So we left for the bus stop.
(me,sheryl,shu wen,hazel and wei qi the photographer :P)
And then we board the bus back to Khatib.
Reach back home and....... Nevermind let's not talk about that and stop the post here.
Monday, there's a 4s3 gathering, but then many people are not going :(
Wee Xiao Di you better don't Pang Seh me on Monday hahaha
PS: I learnt that sometimes it's better to let go of something than to hold on to it relentlessly.