Wow! haven't blogged for quite some time! Finally found the precious time to post :)
Well anyway, I only had an hour of sleep today. Why? To rush out the FOM report =,='
So i was working on the project since 3pm yesterday after the last lecture for the day ended. Stayed in SB to churn out the slides/reports... stayed till 7.30pm before we left for the MRT station. (Bizhew and Jermain were with us too, even though they had already finished their projects already ^^)
Reached home at around 8.30, had dinner at 9... then went on to continue the FOM project. at 1am everyone went to sleep except for me and LK because the fom report still wasn't done. ZzZzZzZz. Continue to do do do... edit edit edit... =.= and further more i had to act like a thieve in my house for fear of waking anyone up -.-. Finally complete the report at 4.30am and schools starts at 8am!!! slept for 1 hour and woke up...
But i shan't complain too much since LK was even more ke lian. He had an MC on that day but had to stay awake the whole night to do the project --- which literally means no MC i guess. and the next day he got 2 CCAs to attend, poor thing.

Alas, the day for the CA1 FOM presentation arrived (well it ain't "alas"... because by right, it already arrived and we are still doing the report...)
Anyway, i will not go into details of how each group did in this post. Instead, let's type about what crazy things happened during the presentation.
Well, somehow, the classroom was infiltrated with moths 0.0. (3 if i'am not wrong) and people were dodging and avoiding them. Screams, dragging of chairs, running, etc. all could be heard. it was a really hilarious sight and Bizhew's expression was classic and epic! as she displayed her excellent agility,speed and movement! :P
Then it was EC lessons--- which was really boring! in order to stay awake, I sort of typed to myself in Microsoft words... (nvm if you don't know what i mean :p)
Finally there's a break! i'am soooo hungry (but somehow i'am full with eating just a little)
anyway, LK and i bought from the Japanese store. I bought the Salmon Set and he bought the curry prawns set. But after buying the food, WE SUDDENLY REALISE he cannot eat prawns since he is having rashes. So i swooped with him my salmon meal lol. Then i purposely said the prawns were so Delicious and so on LOL... :p (but it taste good anyway--- for clarification purpose if you need one hahaha)
Ok today was the first time that i sort of totally didn't listen to a lecture. I was so tired that i kind of doze off during the POA lecture... =.=
after POA, then trained home with Wei Wei and Bizhew. Met Ronald on the train (again) lol. talk a bit... reach home.... shower....and blogging.... already 5.30pm... cannot nap anyway...
Anyway decided not to go to the family chalet today, will go tml, hence didn't go ahead with the 52 hours Marathon of not sleeping (since will not be sleeping at chalet too) but i guess there's still a 36 hours marathon, if i sleep at 12 tonight...
PS: *mixture of feelings*
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