“ Hey, Khen Yong. 好久不见, how are you?”
“Ok lor”
“where you going ah?”
“eh, go out walk walk, nothing to do”
“You got a lot of friends in SP a not?”
“ok ah, why leh?”
“cus u like emo emo, nv talk one”
“HUH? Dun have what.”
The weather is sooo warm, I have no idea why, shouldn’t it be the winter season already? But it’s still so HOT in the afternoon! Especially since my room’s facing the sun, or otherwise some people call it xi zhao or something. I don’t want to open my windows because pesky neighbours like to peek for I don’t know what reason, and smoke-infested vermins lurk around the corridor sometimes. =.=.
I also don’t like to open the room’s door, so it’s double the hot.

PS: that picture acutally is animated but blogger doesn't support that.