A fairly fun-filled day, i would say :p.
The day started off with waking up at 5.50am ~.~, have breakfast, wash up... and all the stuff
Next, met Esther, who was late again =.= . We took the direct train (somehow we got into one :p, despite missing the previous one) to dover.
While on the train, i receive SMSes that they (you know who, lol) will be late so in the end, i went to the tutorial room by myself. Econs tutorial 4 is really tough, most of the classmates agrees so too ^^. (console myself hehe) After lecturer Lau Sze Ping explain, we were able to understand a bit better (to what extent, well, *uh-hum*)
Next, we went on to ONOW lesson, which is really boring zzz zzz zzz.
Alright, we have a two hour break. We went to food court 6, sat with my newly-formed "Huo-Ban" and her groupies. Sat there and chatted for like two hours and our table was laughing their heads off because of *too many things to mention*. One of which is my "Huo-Ban" ultra-unique-super laughter made us laugh to the extent that other tables turned their head around to find out whats going on. *HAHAHAHA*
To top it off, there was also this "chicken/鸡" joke which is also exceptionally hilarious!

Then We went on to POA lecture, where it is fairly boring since she is sort of repeating the previous lecture. (Bored... ~.~)
After the lecture end, we and Pei Yi's group sat outside MLT 12 to chat. Then Shu Wen called me. And i found out today is her BIRTHDAY! (Happy Birthday Shu Wen)
She is coming to SP to meet Hazel. Since Hazel, isn't release from her lecture yet, i went to meet Shu Wen first. Haven't talked to her for a long time, so we did a lot of catching up and it seems she had a exhilarating birthday in school today :).
Talk about a-great-many things, and i found out Wee 小弟 is in the same class as her, so lucky for them!
After Hazel is release from her lecture, they went to have dinner (i guess, since i didn't join them because someone is cooking dinner at home today.)
and then, to my surprise, my friends waited for me while i waited with Shu Wen who waited for Hazel who waited for her lecture to end. *haha*
I've got good friends :p
Haha, till next time~!
and Happy Birthday to Shu Wen once again, sorry for not buying any presents hahaha :p
PS: I had initially thought of another ps to write, but oh well, since this post is "in a happy
mood"let's forget that ps :p
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