Going to stone at home today, so backtrack to yesterday for a bit...
Had Hotcakes from MacDonald's for breakfast yesterday, but while walking back, the butter has melted by the heat from the tea =.=. So after reaching home, the butter is separated into two layers. A layer of oil floating on top and anotther layer of butter (I suppose) at the bottom. It looked kinda gross so I’ll have to make do with the hotcake syrup. ZZZ
Watched a movie on Mio TV, then went to safra with Shu Wen and Wei Qi. Miscommunication between me and Shu Wen, resulting in us waiting for each other at different MRT stations lol. So we were late for half an hour, poor Wei Qi waiting for us alone >.>
Went to Long John Silver for dinner, zzz, triple crunch isn’t nice =.=

PS: next time need to remember to state which MRT station.
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