Monday, November 9, 2009

Beaten... --- 71st post

9th Nov 09

And I thought that I felt better today after waking up at 7.30am … but I guess it was a false sign, well maybe not a false sign, actually I did felt better in the morning.

But then,

Train to school as usual (I mean what other transportation could I use?), met Geraldine (and Zi Ping) at Khatib Station, which I sort of expected. So I guess Geraldine’s the first one (other than my family) to see my haircut *haha*, though she didn’t really have much comments lols.

Reach Dover (of course, where else would the MRT lead me to?). Went for the first lecture --- MOB. Still ok, the air-con was not too cold, not too hot.


Went for the next lecture, POA, ZZZ the aircon’s cold, but it’s just the beginning. Done POA lecture and Stats’s up next, EVEN colder, followed by a extremely cold Econs lecture, it must be because of the fluctuating temperature that I am still sick now.

And then came the Atomic Bomb, Stats Tutorial. I totally don’t understand Stats, which I initially thought was easy. Others seems to be doing fine though they don’t say so, well at least they could answer the questions, unlike me…

And the lecturer didn’t help much, he seems to be in his own world just blabbering on and on, I am so frustrated of his tutorials! But I guess I should blame myself too, I am not so clever to catch what he is saying I guess… since the other group seems to be doing fine with his “i-name-it-blabbering”…

After the Stats tutorial I think I went crazy, lol, I actually skipped the Japanese class, (sorry Esther) on the context that I’am not feeling well. But then it was true too, I am not feeling well, NOW. So I guess it was a correct decision to *be absent from the Jap. Class* today.

Anyway, going home was a chore too. Until I reached TPY (Tua Pa Yio, if that’s how it’s spelt) did I remeber that I wasn’t going to get a hot-delicious-tempting dinner waiting for me at home, so I went to AMK (Ang Mo Kio, quite positive I spelt this one correctly) to grab something for dinner (with Jermain accompanying me --- at least not so pathetic, *thanks*)

Alright this is where the “Chore” parts comes in, if you know (or if you don’t know which you will know now--- whoever still chances upon this blog, which many thought was closed) AMK actually has two separate platform, the kind u see in Dover, so I went to the correct platform at first, then I thought I went to the wrong platform, so I quickly took the escalator down and went up the opposite platform, only to realise that it was the wrong platform, so I took the escalator again and return to the correct platform =.=’’ --- only to realise that it was already cramped with people,
but I should be thankful that I was still able to board the train I guess, though it’s so squeezy…

So, I am still sick now, but I guess I will still go to school tomorrow, unless it’s really serious…

Till next time,

PS: I drank a week worth of water yesterday (Sunday), am I going to use a week worth of tissue (to clear my nose) today? =.=’’’

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