Haven posted for some time again. Partly because its fairly busy and partly due to laziness lol...
hmm... quite a bit to post about, but not in the mood to type long post so to cut long story short...
8th August, national day. but we still had to return to school to do our ITAM expression web project. ZzZZzZzZz it was arduous and we stayed in school from 11am till like 8pm… Substituted lunch and dinner with food and snacks from 7-11. On top of that, when we left, the main gate of SP has already been locked

we had to use the secondary exit =.= it just goes to show how late it was already ~.~ To make matter worse, we haven’t really completed the project then…
9th August, Monday, Holiday, met Jermain at AMK Macdonald to do up our report for the expression web project. Lol, I couldn’t find the Macdonald at first. Hahaha. Had to wait at toast box for Jermain to come. Had hotcakes for breakfast. Signed up for a wireless@SG account. Webcam LK at Mac with Jermain.
Return to Khatib, cut and dyed hair. Rushed back home, and go to SP again… for the expression web project. Left SP at 9. Ate dinner at Long John Silver. Return Home…

10th August, Tuesday, the day was horrible… *skip*

11th August, Wednesday, Visit to BMTC, super boring, video shown was same as two years ago. LK got detained for wearing slippers =.=. in the end he had to buy a pair of shoes lols.Walk around BMTC, nothing interesting ZzzZzzz it was hot, warm and stuffy.

Took the bus to expo, trained to tamppines, ate at the foodcourt with WC and Jermain. Took bus 969 back to Khatib…
Till next time…
PS: ...
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