Today was the third day of the FOP, my class arranged to meet at Clementi to have lunch. Guess what? I misculculated the time needed to travel there and i reached Clemeti half an hour eariler! (I have taken a picture of my watch to show the time --- Kudos to my first photo in my blog!)

Alright, i guess the next question you are going to ask me is what did i do in the half an hour. Well, nothing much really, i llistened to the MP3 (Music Player) and played games (Snakes and Cannon Marble) on my handphones, it's lame i know some of you might say, but surprising, thirty minutes flew by quite quickly. :p
Afterwhich, we went to Botak Jones to have our lunch. Oh, i forgot to mention eariler, i also get to know another classmate by the name of Li Khong. We didn't talk much at first but soon we started getting to know each other. After that, we went to MLT 11 where the director and lecturer gave their speech.
What caught me by surprise was that we had to do a skit on the title "what does HRM (human resource management) means to you" *laughs* i believed we did one of the funniest skit among the whole cluster. We tried to show a contrast between a staff before being trained and after being trained. The skit was totally hilliarous and everyone was laughing. However, during the prize presentation for the skit our class was only awarded the consolation prize... T_T (console us...)
After which, we met another new classmate whoose name i believe is Riz and after saying hi to him we left and i met up with Esther (who accompanied me to take the foreign language form), Jasmine, Yan Qian and Marcus. I had dinner then, and finally left and went home, and now i'am writing this post :p.
I just remebered, tomorrow we had to do flag day, i hope it goes smoothly... >.> i guess i will make a post about how the flag day goes tomorrow. Until then...
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