As the title says, it was a an extremely tiring day as of why, it's not because of todays' lesson but of another matter which i will type later on. (if i haven't faint from fatigue lol)
First, i will briefly (which probably will be not) type about what happen in the first half of the day. First, i met with Hazel and Shuet Jing at Khatib. Nothing especially special happen here, except that we purposely skip one train so that we can get a direct train to Dover (yahoo!).
Then, we parted ways as i got to wait for my friends (Weican was there already, in case he complains that i don't give him credit that he was early... =.='). After everyone arrived we proceed QUICKLY to the classroom. Somehow, maybe 阴差阳错 we were not late!
and the tutorial went on... 2 hours ticked by (rather quickly for me) and we had 3 hours break. (it's long i know) we did a many things though. First, we had lunch, i ate Teriyaki Chicken Rice (which is not as toothsome as what i had imagine it to be...)
Next, we decided to go to Moberly to uh.. "play pool" (which i don't know how to). Unfortunately the pool tables were fully booked. So i suggested we go to the library to play laptops *hahaha*

So we went to the library, abandon some seats (as it was too quiet that it was eerie) and found another "more comfortable" place. Then, Xin Ying flashed out her handphone and snapped some photos, so i decided to follow suit and below (and above) are some photos i took...

(Weican and Xin Ying) (Rick)
Two hours flew pass (i admit it's a little exaggerated). Then we proceed to our next tutorial, which is about POA (principles Of Accounts). This tutorial went on quite smoothly, though i was sitting at the back row that time ( in which case, not sitting with my usual group)
So i didn't talk much in that tutorial (by the way, i wasn't angry, don't know why people were asking me that)
Soon enough it was time for the next tutorial, don't know who told us it was T2263 when it was T2269... so we entered the wrong room and wondered if we were the first to arrive. =.= then i went out to check the room number and found out it was the wrong room! so we rushed to T2269 and luckily, the lecturer was not there yet...
I will just talk a bit about this lecturer because he was so humorous, first, he introduced a little of his umm... life to us like where he studied, work as what and so on. Which was like completely irrelevant to what he is going to teach which is Psychology. (as he was not just introducing his job but details of his job too, like what time he work, his pay etc.) But anyway, i wasn't thrown off by his introduction as he was humorous like i typed earlier and i believed none found him boring too. (which i believe is a good start :p)
Next he went on talking a little about our modules, course and overview of what we are going to learn.
and at 4pm, he said we can leave now, so everyone was thinking "umm.. wasn't the lesson supposed to end at 5pm?" and he said that it's ok, he release us early. (well i guess no one really mind, since it's the first lesson)
Alright, so lessons end and every1 left, I told my group to leave too since i was supposed to be meeting Esther to pay for the Japanese class together. And hence the utterly tiring experience commences.
First we met at T21 outside the foreign language centre and we were informed we were supposed to pay at the financial centre (which at that point of time we don't know where) so Esther went to buy her books with he friends first while i wait for her below the hill.
5..10..20 and 30 minutes passed. She was still not here -.-' and i realise that she wants to meet at popular, so i went to popular... and we begun our search for the finance centre which we found out was at foodcourt 2 (oh my gosh). so we went pretty near to foodcourt 2 and we met her sister who told us that finance centre closes at 5pm... (it was already 5.30 then) so her sister kindly offers to help me hand in the cheque tomorrow and also suggested that we write our names outside the foreign language room (at T21) to book the slots in case it is taken. ALSO, after paying we still need to fill in an application form (which we don't have yet, since we haven't pay) So we strutted our way back to T21, wrote our name to book the slots and finally make our way to Dover MRT station...
If you think this ridiculously-long post is over, it isn't! So we arrived at Dover MRT station, when the train arrived, it was so packed that we couldn't squeeze in, hence we board the second train. Then we alighted at Jurong East, where we had to board another train to reach Khatib. However, the first train was again too packed so we had to wait for the next one. (as i am typing this, i am wondering if singapore's population is too low is true...)
After waiting for a bit the next train arrived, but it was announced that it were to be terminated at Yew Tee. So we had to wait for THE NEXT train, which we finally managed to get in and somehow Esther got a seat :p.
Finally, we reached Khatib, and it was like 7.30pm =.= after dinner and everything it was 8.30pm++ and here i am typing this post...
Tomorrow is the peer-to-peer day, i guess there will be much things to write so, till tomorrow...
PS: Too tired to read others blog, will do so tomorrow if there is time :p
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