31th July 09
Sorry haven’t been updating recently because I’ve been bombarded with projects after projects and now, I am sick with fever of 38.9… *sigh*

I was still fine today morning for the FOM presentation. EC was fine too except for the fact that I didn’t know about the format thing : (.It was during the POA lecture when i felt unwell zzz. So I was just copying and copying what Christina was showing… and it was so cold in the MLT but the others say it was not…

After leaving the MLT I quickly stand under the sun lol… to warm myself up. Then, pei yi group went to fc6 to do their IP product where we tagged along too. But my head hurts so much like thousands of needles poking it. So literally I didn’t know what they were talking about half of the time. After that, they played l4d which I watched and watched as my temperature rise and rise.

Around 5, decided to go home. But the train to Jurong East was so cramped that I had to wait for the second train… the second one wasn’t that much better. There was this man who I don’t even know and he started talking to me, or rather talking to himself but facing me… but I was so giddy that I ignore him and he started muttering to himself…

Finally reach Jurong East and then I purposely avoid that man in the train. Alas there was no place to sit and somehow or another my back hurts like mad, as if the upper body and the lower body are trying to tear themselves apart. The cramped train only made the trip even more miserable…

Finally reached Khatib dragged myself home. Took my temperature and this is when I found out it was 38.9 ZZZZZZZ. Went to shower and It was soooo cold that I thought I turn into a glacier. After that flumped onto my bed, and turn myself into an askimo, but it was still so cold -.- and I didn’t even on the fan nor the air-con. ZZZZZZZ my face's like boiling but the body's feeling soooo very cold~.~ then I think I doze off… woke up and had my dinner which I literally didn’t eat…

Then I’am blogging….
PS: headache, don’t feel like adding pictures maybe edit next time bah…
Sorry haven’t been updating recently because I’ve been bombarded with projects after projects and now, I am sick with fever of 38.9… *sigh*

I was still fine today morning for the FOM presentation. EC was fine too except for the fact that I didn’t know about the format thing : (.It was during the POA lecture when i felt unwell zzz. So I was just copying and copying what Christina was showing… and it was so cold in the MLT but the others say it was not…

After leaving the MLT I quickly stand under the sun lol… to warm myself up. Then, pei yi group went to fc6 to do their IP product where we tagged along too. But my head hurts so much like thousands of needles poking it. So literally I didn’t know what they were talking about half of the time. After that, they played l4d which I watched and watched as my temperature rise and rise.

Around 5, decided to go home. But the train to Jurong East was so cramped that I had to wait for the second train… the second one wasn’t that much better. There was this man who I don’t even know and he started talking to me, or rather talking to himself but facing me… but I was so giddy that I ignore him and he started muttering to himself…

Finally reach Jurong East and then I purposely avoid that man in the train. Alas there was no place to sit and somehow or another my back hurts like mad, as if the upper body and the lower body are trying to tear themselves apart. The cramped train only made the trip even more miserable…

Finally reached Khatib dragged myself home. Took my temperature and this is when I found out it was 38.9 ZZZZZZZ. Went to shower and It was soooo cold that I thought I turn into a glacier. After that flumped onto my bed, and turn myself into an askimo, but it was still so cold -.- and I didn’t even on the fan nor the air-con. ZZZZZZZ my face's like boiling but the body's feeling soooo very cold~.~ then I think I doze off… woke up and had my dinner which I literally didn’t eat…

Then I’am blogging….
PS: headache, don’t feel like adding pictures maybe edit next time bah…