25th July 09
Saturday has arrived again. and this time, it’s Project Sat.
Woke up at 8am, an hour earlier the usual for Saturday. Why? Cause I felt like it =.=’’’

Wash up, face book a little --- played some kiddish game *haha*, showered and travel to Dover to do our FOM project. Ole~ it’s not so cramp in the MRT around 10am and I got a seat ^^V

Reach Dover at 11.01 I guess. But no one was there yet : (. [well actually xiao guang was there already but he was sitting at one corner and I didn’t notice him until till Pei Yi arrived]So I waited for around 5mins and Pei Yi came. The wait goes on for around another 20++ minutes till weican came =.=. Then we went to T17 study area. WAITED another 15mins++ for the latest of the latest for the day, Li Khong. ~.~
*silence* *silence* *silence*Finally, we started the project proper. *SIGH* it was then we found that the project was not easy at all >.>, so difficult!!!

Worked and Slogged, discussed and talk, look and search. Finally around 3.10pm we decided to call it a day. --- though we sort of said that we would continue tonight, online. But I don’t know how it’s going since it’s 6.46 now and not everyone is online (yet?)
Anyway, after that, Pei Yi, Weican, Li Khong and I went around SP looking for place to have our dinner lol. First, we went to FC1, thinking of having Macdonalds, but it was closed. So we went to FC 5 for Subway, however, Subway has closed for the day too. Having not much choice, we decided to have our meal at 7-11. Ate blackpeper chicken rice, which serving is pretty small.
Lk pointed it out that the food is “chef recommended” as printed on the packaging. But then we realised that all the other type also had “chef recommended” printed. So…
Pei Yi : Acutally hor, they have 40 different varieties, and they call the chef to taste it, then after tasting, they only found that these 4 types can actually be sold, hence, all 4 types are chef recommended”.*Hahaha*

LK said his eye hurts, and PY suggested taking out the lens and pouring the lotion into his eye, and we did that. After which, he had no idea where to keep his contact lens since he didn’t bring his container, and so LK went to get the mash potato cup and cover from 7-11 and place his lens inside. =.=’’’
Saturday has arrived again. and this time, it’s Project Sat.
Woke up at 8am, an hour earlier the usual for Saturday. Why? Cause I felt like it =.=’’’

Wash up, face book a little --- played some kiddish game *haha*, showered and travel to Dover to do our FOM project. Ole~ it’s not so cramp in the MRT around 10am and I got a seat ^^V

Reach Dover at 11.01 I guess. But no one was there yet : (. [well actually xiao guang was there already but he was sitting at one corner and I didn’t notice him until till Pei Yi arrived]So I waited for around 5mins and Pei Yi came. The wait goes on for around another 20++ minutes till weican came =.=. Then we went to T17 study area. WAITED another 15mins++ for the latest of the latest for the day, Li Khong. ~.~
*silence* *silence* *silence*Finally, we started the project proper. *SIGH* it was then we found that the project was not easy at all >.>, so difficult!!!

Worked and Slogged, discussed and talk, look and search. Finally around 3.10pm we decided to call it a day. --- though we sort of said that we would continue tonight, online. But I don’t know how it’s going since it’s 6.46 now and not everyone is online (yet?)
Anyway, after that, Pei Yi, Weican, Li Khong and I went around SP looking for place to have our dinner lol. First, we went to FC1, thinking of having Macdonalds, but it was closed. So we went to FC 5 for Subway, however, Subway has closed for the day too. Having not much choice, we decided to have our meal at 7-11. Ate blackpeper chicken rice, which serving is pretty small.
Lk pointed it out that the food is “chef recommended” as printed on the packaging. But then we realised that all the other type also had “chef recommended” printed. So…
Pei Yi : Acutally hor, they have 40 different varieties, and they call the chef to taste it, then after tasting, they only found that these 4 types can actually be sold, hence, all 4 types are chef recommended”.*Hahaha*

LK said his eye hurts, and PY suggested taking out the lens and pouring the lotion into his eye, and we did that. After which, he had no idea where to keep his contact lens since he didn’t bring his container, and so LK went to get the mash potato cup and cover from 7-11 and place his lens inside. =.=’’’
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