Stayed at home the whole of today, so i'll write about yesterday (3rd July, Friday) instead.
Woke up at 9.15 (should have been at 9, if i didn't set the alarm wrongly)
Had to go to school to do the EC project --- the one where we interviewed a foreigner.

Arranged to meet at 11.30, i think i reached at around 11.32, eh, lol a little late ~.~ Anyway, all of them was there already :O
Went to FC 5 to do the project. Initally, we occupied the circle table, where there's no charger, afterwhich, when the battery of the laptop were to be exhuasted soon, we switched to the square table where there are plugs beneath the table, however, we realised that the power circuit was not on for all those plugs =.=

So, we switched to another table which has other alternative plugs (the one on the pillar, though we have to sort of extend our cables, but who cares, we got the electricity anyway! ) *haha*
Call it a day at around 4pm. Talked for around 20mins, (kana KSed for 20mins *haha*)
Then Huo Ban and Jermain left. LK and I decided to go to Moberly to play pool, met Hazel and her friend on the way. Hazel told me to go to the AGM (annual general meeting) for CSCC, and then she forwarded the message to me =.=’’ (still had no intention to go at that time haha)
---afterall the AGM was actually extended towards Sub-Committee members only, so I didn’t really wanted to go, because I don’t want to 不请自来, because it’s like so 死不要脸 .
so we reached Moberly, but the tables were fully booked --- got KSed! *haha*
sigh... no choice lor aww...

Walked all the way backed to the “bridge”, saw Pei Yi and said hi. She asked me wheather I wanted to go. *talked talked talked* and finally I decided to go lol
3 main reason below
· Friend
· Pei Yi
· CCA points
Hahaha. Phoned my aunt and told her I won’t be back for dinner. And then LK and I went back to FC 5 again, since the AGM will only start at 5.30, which eventually really starts at 6.15 ...
Back at FC 5, met Man Wei, I was rather surprise haha. Then we talked a bit, and Man Wei Jie started playing her DS :p
Travelled back to LT17 at 5.30 and stood outside for like 1 hour chatting and talking with friends.
ZzZzZzzZZzz, Man Wei Jie point out a very valid point, I’am like so extra in the whole group because everyone’s wearing black with jeans and shoes (their dress code I suppose) and I’am wearing grey with shorts and slippers -.- to add on, I’am carrying a laptop =.=’’’

Next, we registered and entered the hall (lecture theatre). And the AGM started with the norms. --- greetings and all that.
What was not normal was that, each section head will ask their sub-committee to stand up. So I was sitting next to LK in the “audio row” and then when it was time for the “audio introduction” everyone in the row stood up, except me.
So I was feeling so ousted, Pai Seh and awkward, on top of that, the *who who who* who was sitting infront of me was staring at me, because I’am the only one seated--- or should I say didn’t stand?
*Roll Eyes* *Roll some more* *one more time*

Next, it was the refreshment time, went out of the room and stayed at one corner with LK. Then, i saw Jasmine and she really took a curry puff for me (after I jokingly told her to help me take something haha)
Then it was the photo-taking session time, the seniors were gathering each respective committee and their sub-committee members,
And it was ducking time for me, why? you should know after reading the front part of the post
So I stayed at one of the areas the place where there are seats and shelter, with something like a “fixed-on bench” for people to hang out. Lol, so pathetic, ducking for like no real reason. Luckily LK, Hazel and Hao Peng You came and sat with me after they took the photo if not it’ll be really pathetic beyond wordssssss

After that, went back to the room to play a certain game which I’ll not post it since the post is already quite long.
the event ended and it’s already 8pm I guess, the crowd dispersed and i went home with Hazel, Jasmine, Esther and Charyl.
Then I asked if anyone wanted to have dinner, since I didn’t had any =.= (shhh… don’t broadcast haha) and only Jasmine wanted to go. But in the end, we also didn’t have dinner. Went home…

Got a headache at home and feeling unwell, slept at 12…………….
Ok, Till next post :p
PS: Very Troubled >.<
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