Haven’t been posting much about school for a while, ~.~ kinda busy with all the work and *uhmm uhmm* things.
School starts at 8am today, with FOM tutorials zzz. I still don’t understand why whenever Mr. Andrew Lee (FOM tutor) poses a question, he’ll look at me =.= as if I don’t know what he is talking about =.=’’’
After FOM, it was EC class. And it’s writing exercise again awww… haven’t been writing composition since we entered Poly right. So it kinda got rusty, luckily we could use the computer which sort of help me correct grammar and sentence structure mistakes hahaha :p
Then we had an hour break, where I ate onion rings despite being sick LOL, and then I had a mango drink which I found out was heaty in nature thanks to Jermain. >.>
Next up is the POA lecture by the queen of lame jokes--- Christina-Chua-Hwang.*haha* and she was talking about how accountants have to be careful with the account if not they’ll be sued, and LK said that she got sued and therefore had to work as a lecturer to repay the debts. *hahaha*
After that, went to level 2 near the printing room to do FOM project with Xiao Guang, Weican, Pei Yi, Li Khong and Jermain (who is isn’t in the group but just there to accompany us and play PSP). Did till around 5pm and called it a day. Guess what happen? While trying to unplug LK’s adapter, instead of his, I unplugged another person’s adapter! On top of that, that person wasn’t using battery on his laptop so the screen went blank ~.~. as if that wasn’t enough, that person was also doing project =.=. and he gave the the SHOCK face. ZZZ feel so bad >.<.

After that, Xiao Guang and Pei Yi left and the rest of us went to FC5, I had subway for dinner and then we went home.
Met Aixin on the Jurong East train :O, what a conincidence *haha*. Talk talk talk, arrived at Khatib and reach home : ).
Okie, till next time
PS: If misunderstandings arise so easily, it just show that there’s no trust. It’s a matter who you believe.
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