Woke up at 9am
Alrighty, it's 9.36am, and i had my breakfast (not brunch this time :p ).
Yay, MST is finally over. *heave a sigh of relief*
So how did I fair for my MST? I don’t know, Excel was soso, econs was ok, for POA, I couldn’t balance a part of the suspense account. Oh well...
Haven’t posted since the MST, so let’s write a little about the last few days
29th June 09
It’s the ITAM-Excel test which everyone is fussing over. Haha. Before the test, I had literally no idea how the test is going to proceed. Like, are we going to do it on the laptop? School computer? Or do it on the so-called scrapsheet?
But anyway, the truth was revealed after we entered the lab --- we are going to use the Schools’ computer
After the test, quite a number of people were feeling down, due to this and that, it’s quite unavoidable since it’s the first experience and the first ITAM test we had….

30th June
Econs~, the ECONS TEST! Contrary, to what I initially thought, I thought this test was actually easier than POA.Anyway, during the econs test, after the invigilator said 15mins before the test end, I suddenly realised that my handphone was neither turn off nor switched into silent mode…and I was so worried, that it might just starts ringing! Luckily, it didn’t rang during the test haha.

1st July
Alright the last paper of the day, POA. Let’s not talk about the paper anymore, since i already roughly talked about it lol. After the test, huo ban and group went to do project, after that, went to Moberly and played pool. Talked, joked, chatted, went home."the table will 害羞哦”Went home, at around 11pm my primary school classmate started a mass conversation in msn which startled me, lol, didn’t know that they are still keeping in contact.

Ok, till next time
PS: I don’t know why this post is like SOOOO boring!
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